Who we are

Our Mission

Enhance, expand and diversify the flower plantings in the green spaces of Petworth

Our Vision

Public spaces that offer beauty, wonder, and foster connections to the people and places that make up Petworth

Our Team

  • Steven Feingold - Founder/Exec Director

    Steven has a lifelong passion for gardening that a rowhouse yard is not large enough to contain. He has lived in Petworth since 2013 and has been a Weed Warrior at Fort Totten Park and organized Casey Trees plantings at Fort Totten and Grant and Sherman Circles. He has been a park partner with DPR since 2016 . This work led him to start Petworth Blooms in 2018

  • Hannah Martin - Co-Founder

    Hannah encouraged Steven to start Petworth Blooms after his public gardening expanded significantly beyond their block. Despite being the daughter and wife of avid gardeners, Hannah’s relationship with outdoor plants is best described as an appreciative observer. She brings 5 years of non-profit board management and many years of volunteer management experience to Petworth Blooms.

  • Zillah Jackson-Wesley

    Zillah is a long time Petworth resident and a Washingtonian . She is a Clinical Project Manager at Howard University and a Therapist in Private Practice .

    She loves being a part of keeping Petworth beautiful. She coordinates the decorations for Lorenzo Allen Park.

  • You?

    Petworth Blooms is currently looking for neighbors to join our board. If you might be interested in fundraising, organizing volunteer activities and other events, or coordinating with DC on park issues, please send us an email.